
Consultancy Services

With 12 years experience manufacturing chocolate products ourselves, we're here to assist you with any challenges you face, be that understanding efficiency-boosting production layouts, deciding which machinery to invest in to best suit your needs, or simply sharing your ideas to check the feasibility of your latest project.

At DPS, we pride ourselves in not only being the go-to chocolate mould manufacturer, but at providing a consultancy service which goes further than the complimentary assistance we provide every customer with during their chocolate mould projects.


Consultancy & Protoyping

We have a very firm commitment to sustainability and the environment. As a result, we do everything we can to limit the impact that we have on the environment and maximise the positive impact we have on the local community.


Custom Made Chocolate Moulds

Consultancy services

Turn-key Solutions From Ideation to Production Moulding All In House

A renowned confectionery brand, with a legacy spanning over 100 years, approached us to help revamp their product line. Utilising brainstorming meetings alongside our creative team, we created a variety of design options, which were narrowed down to two distinct styles: one that offered a stark difference from their traditional brand image, and another that maintained a modern twist on their classic look, while also conveying a premium feel.

To facilitate consumer testing, we produced the chosen designs using small format injection moulds, enabling small-scale production for the client, in addition to trialling in our R&D kitchen. After rigorous testing at a third-party facility, one of the designs was selected for launch. We then seamlessly transitioned from R&D to full production by creating the final production moulds, minimising the risk of errors. We are excited to see the newly rebranded product hit the shelves and delight customers!

consultancy services

Range Building

We’ve worked alongside some of the most iconic confectionery brands over the years, giving us a unique insight into what makes a best-selling retail range.


Whether you’re looking to create a disruptive Easter confectionery range, launch a PR-worthy product that captures customers hearts or continue to build a strong brand image with a new addition to your current range, we have the right tools to hit the brief every time.


As part of our complimentary services, we offer our trend-led market insights and advice alongside the concept development process, to ensure you have the best range possible.

consultancy services

Our Areas of Expertise

Below are just some of the ways we can assist the wider challenges you face.

  • UK market insight reports
  • Competitor shopping
  • Supplier exploration and introduction
  • Supplier capability assessment
  • Factory visits and production trouble shooting
  • Production process improvements and innovation projects
  • Range building and design exploration

Who we work with…

Working alongside brands you know and love

From multi-national companies to artisanal chocolatiers and everyone in-between, we build meaningful relationships, providing expert guidance and innovative solutions.
Take a look at just some of our loyal customers below!

Contact us today

We are always looking for our next challenge, so if you have a questions or have a project we could help with, please contact us via our contact form or one of the following methods:


We’ve been designing, machining and delivering thermoform tooling for 30 years and constantly reinvest in our capability to ensure we
stay ahead.

Don’t just take our word for it…
"Working with DPS has been an absolute pleasure and critical to the success of our project work.
The DPS team have offered agile, turn-key solutions from design and prototyping all the way through to scaled production, with great quality.
They have been committed to our success and are key business partners."

Pladis Western Europe SSA & APAC

Ross Morrison, Research & Development Director

"Artisan du Chocolat has worked almost exclusively with DPS since 2015. During this time, they have
been instrumental in developing and delivering high quality innovative chocolate moulds in short lead times.  Their positive
attitude combined with creativity and technical competence has made them a trusted and irreplaceable partner for Artisan du Chocolat."

Artisan du Chocolat

Anne Weyns, Founder

"DPS Designs has provided us with first-rate moulds that meet our high expectations. Their attention to detail and commitment
to quality have been evident in every interaction. More importantly, their ongoing support has been invaluable. DPS' expertise and dedication
have helped us not only create our moulds but also advise us on techniques to enhance their longevity through effective cleaning methods."

Percy's Baking UK LTD

Mario Holbrook-Yalias, General Manager

"Walkers Chocolates and DPS have worked very closely for a number of years across a wide variety of projects.
DPS have been nothing shorted of amazing during this time helping us to overcome challenges, offering solutions to complex
moulding issues and championing our business within their network. We couldn’t recommend Fanzi and the team at DPS enough"

Walkers Chocolates

Tom Murtagh, Comercial Director

"Hugely knowledgable, accurate and super-efficient, it is always a pleasure to work with Fanzi and the team at DPS."

Mummy Meegz

Helen Hartley, Managing Director

Having utilised DPS' flare and creativity to help with the design and implementation of many seasonal products
from hollow chocolate figures to stick packs, I am still amazed at their irrepressible belief that ‘we will make this work’, and their overall ‘can do’ attitude,
often working to compressed timelines. We are incredibly proud of the products Fanzi, and the team at DPS, have helped us develop over the years.


Adam Guymer, NPD Senior Process Technologist

Ready to start your next project with us?